If you have questions, please contact the Office of Stewardship & Development at
(219) 769-9292 ext. 268 or email Judy Holicky. Thank you! 

Your commitment to Catholic ministries helps meet the needs of your brothers and sisters in Christ, providing them with essential ministries, programs, and services throughout East Tennessee. Your gift today will:

• Support the growth of our Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, and ongoing formation
• Provide seminarians with the formation needed to answer God’s call to serve as our future priests
• Offer free medical care for underserved areas through the Mobile Medical Clinic
• Share the good news of Jesus Christ with young Catholics throughout our Diocese
• Wrap your arms around your neighbors in need through Catholic Charities

Thank you for bringing the light of Jesus Christ to all you meet. You are helping to advance the Kingdom of God through your love and support!

We are all called to Be Missionaries of the Eucharist. One way you can walk with one another, be a faithful steward of God's love and share His grace with those around you is by supporting the Catholic Services Appeal. Through your generosity, you will:

  • Deliver the essential ministries of our local Church
  • Carry out the important work Jesus calls each of us to do
  • Nurture the next generation of leaders in our Church
  • Meet the spiritual and physical needs of our community

Thank you for your support! Your thoughtful gift will strengthen the greater mission of love and renewal in 
our Church, helping us care for one another through prayer and action. 

We are all called to Be Missionaries of the Eucharist. One way you can walk with one another, be a faithful steward of God's love and share His grace with those around you is by supporting the Catholic Services Appeal. Through your generosity, you will:

  • Deliver the essential ministries of our local Church
  • Carry out the important work Jesus calls each of us to do
  • Nurture the next generation of leaders in our Church
  • Meet the spiritual and physical needs of our community

Thank you for your support! Your thoughtful gift will strengthen the greater mission of love and renewal in our Church, helping us care for one another through prayer and action. 

Our most generous donors often choose to support the
Catholic Services Appeal through gifts of stock or other 

tax-advantaged methods of giving, including:

Donor Advised Funds
Stock or securities
Qualified Charitable Distributions through your IRA
Real estate
Legacy gifts

Contact Judy Holicky to discuss how you could make a tax-advantaged gift to the Catholic Services Appeal today!
Judy Holicky or call: 219-769-9292 ext. 268